Music Therapy App Design

Uplifting your mood has never been easier than this. Many people have different reasons for turning to music but the vast majority of them said they used music to cheer themselves up. Other top reasons people listened to or created music included feeling less stressed, changing their moods, and distracting themselves from unpleasant thoughts and feelings. I designed an app that uses scientific research to generate playlists which then users can listen to to help uplift their mood.

Each playlist shows reviews and the percentages of people who found them effective so users can make informed decisions when choosing their playlist. For example, 14.3% of people claimed that Rock music helped them feel better when they’re sad. The same can be said for other playlists. Users can even make their own custom playlist that’s unique to them and works for them. In just three easy steps users can feel better in no time, just chose the mood you’re in, pick one of the generated playlists, and listen on!

This was a 3 part project. Along with the app design I also created a video to advertise it to the market as well as a poster design to show all the statistics.

Fictional Project


Music Album


Data Poster